
Viser innlegg fra august, 2015

Network folders are not updated

Symptom: ​When creating or deleting files on a network share from your PC, and at the same time is looking at the same folder on Citrix, the latter one is not beeing updated. The file is there, but you do not see it from the Citrix Server. Not after pressing refresh. Same thing if you use File, Open from a program. Fix: Create a 32bit DWORD: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Lanmanworkstation\Parameters “DirectoryCacheLifetime”=dword:00000000 Explained: This will not wait to get all metadata caching from each file. Also seems like a bug. Default should be 10 seconds, but it seems more like 10 minutes. Note: Running the kb2028965 reults in "The update is not applicable to your computer." Ref: