
Viser innlegg fra 2017

Black Window when starting a Citrix Application?

This is something we have seen when a user have several Displays, and the Scaling is set different, like 125% on one screen and 100% on another. Quick fix is to set all Displays to the same Scaling. A better approach is to fins the Citrix Receiver exe file, wfcrun32.exe, normally in C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\ICA Client, right clisk and Select Properties, Select Compability and tick the option: Disable display scaling on high DPI settings

DirectAccess Troubleshooting


AD and Powershell commands

#Show all Locked accounts in Active Direcotry Search-ADAccount -LockedOut | select Name, SamAccountName #Unlock user accounts one by one with confirmation Search-ADAccount -LockedOut | Unlock-AdAccount –confirm #Show all AD users in alphabetical ordet Get-ADUser -filter * -Properties name | sort name | % { $ } #Show the newest users in AD Get-ADUser -filter * -Properties whenCreated,name | sort whenCreated | ft whenCreated,name -AutoSize #Show the oldest users Get-ADUser -filter * -Properties whenCreated,name | sort whenCreated -Descending | ft whenCreated,name -AutoSize #Show hard working people Get-ADUser -filter * -Properties PasswordNeverExpires,name | ? { $_.PasswordNeverExpires -eq $false } | sort name | % { $ } #Show lazy ones Get-ADUser -filter * -Properties PasswordNeverExpires,name | ? { $_.PasswordNeverExpires -eq $True } | sort name | % { $ } #Export to csv all users With PasswordNeverExpires Get-ADUser -filter * -Properties Password...

Publish a Remote App?

Got an rdp file that the Customer wanted to publish as an application in Citrix. You could ask why, but that's what they wanted. It is connected to another provider who has Microsoft Remote App, and my Customer want to work with this inside the Citrix Environment to be able to reach all resources from here. So, first I tried to publish mstsc with the supplied rdp file as argument - but it will not start when running in a seamless session. However, it starts up when launching it from a Published Desktop. To avoid to publish special Desktops only for this application, I started examine the provided rdp file. I first stumbled by the setting: remoteapplicationmode:i:1 Wondered if I could change that to 0, making it an ordinary rdp-connection? Nope, since the last part of the file includes: signscope:s: signature:s: making sure you cannot alter these settings. If you do, mstsc will report that the rdp file is broken. But what if I remove these two settings from the rdp file?...


  Jan 9-11 januar - Citrix Summit 2017, Anaheim Citrixkonferanse for partnerer & forhandlere   Feb 2-3 februar - NIC - Nordic Infrastructure Conference 2017, Oslo     Mars 29 februar-3 mars - Cisco Partner Summit, San Diego   April   Mai 2 mai - Citrix & Microsoft frokostseminar, Oslo 4 mai - Citrix & Microsoft frokostseminar, Bergen 4 mai - Riverbed Disrupt 2017, Oslo 10-11 mai - Paranoia sikkerhetskonferanse, Oslo 11 mai - Citrix NetScaler Connect, Oslo 16 mai - Microsoft & HP sikker...

Windows DNS Round Robin

Is there a simple way to Load Balance your Web Servers? NLB has been around a while - but you can also use DNS Round Robin. This will give you a list of servers in a random sequence every time you ask. Use DNS Management, right click the server name in the left pane, select Properties , select Advanced tab, make sure " Enable round robin " is selected. Add HOST(A) records in the appropriate forward lookup zone, pointing to all the servers you want in the cluster. To add a poor-man's fault tolerance, ensure that TTL of each record is set to a short period of time, i.e. 15 seconds. For more references, see:

Free Windows 10 upgrade?

Still on Windows 7 or 8.x? If you are using assistive technologies, such as screen readers and voice recognition products, that provide essential accessibility to computers for those with significant vision, hearing, dexterity and mobility, language and communication, or learning needs - then you still can upgrade to Windows 10 for free by going to this link: Windows 10 upgrade

Features on demand in Windows Server 2012 R2

How about cleaning up the C:\Windows\WinSxS folder with features you do not need? Here is a Powershell One-liner, to remove those features not installed. If you ever need to get one of the features back, you can get them back with DISM (/enable-feature), Powershell (Install-WindowsFeature) or even the Server Manager GUI by pointing to a source. OK, here goes: Get-WindowsFeature | Where-Object {$._Installed -eq $false} | Uninstall-WindowsFeature -Remove

SAP EPM Add-In for Excel keep getting disabled

Startup-script to make sure the SAP EPM Add-in for Excel is enabled. This way - if Excel for some reason, has disabled the add-in, a new start of BPC will make sure it is reactivated again.

How to remove traces from previously set Folder Redirection in a GPO

1. GPO Management Delete " \\<domain>\sysvol\Policies\<{GPO GUID}>\User\Documents & Settings" You can get the GPO GUID from details in GPO Management, or you can just select Edit, User Configuration, Policies, Windows Settings, Scripts, Logon - Press the Show Files... and from here manouver back to "User" 2. ADUC Remove the GPO's assosiation with folder redirection Select View -> Advanced Features Naviagate to System, Policies, {GPO GUID} Right click the {GPO GUID}, Properties Select Attribute Editor Open gPCUserExtensionNames Copy the long string and paste it to a blanc Notepad Now, Remove [{25537BA6-77A8-11D2-9B6C-0000F8080861}{88E729D6-BDC1-11D1-BD2A-00C04FB9603F}] Copy the new string and paste it back in gPCUserExtensionNames