
Viser innlegg fra august, 2017

Black Window when starting a Citrix Application?

This is something we have seen when a user have several Displays, and the Scaling is set different, like 125% on one screen and 100% on another. Quick fix is to set all Displays to the same Scaling. A better approach is to fins the Citrix Receiver exe file, wfcrun32.exe, normally in C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\ICA Client, right clisk and Select Properties, Select Compability and tick the option: Disable display scaling on high DPI settings

DirectAccess Troubleshooting


AD and Powershell commands

#Show all Locked accounts in Active Direcotry Search-ADAccount -LockedOut | select Name, SamAccountName #Unlock user accounts one by one with confirmation Search-ADAccount -LockedOut | Unlock-AdAccount –confirm #Show all AD users in alphabetical ordet Get-ADUser -filter * -Properties name | sort name | % { $ } #Show the newest users in AD Get-ADUser -filter * -Properties whenCreated,name | sort whenCreated | ft whenCreated,name -AutoSize #Show the oldest users Get-ADUser -filter * -Properties whenCreated,name | sort whenCreated -Descending | ft whenCreated,name -AutoSize #Show hard working people Get-ADUser -filter * -Properties PasswordNeverExpires,name | ? { $_.PasswordNeverExpires -eq $false } | sort name | % { $ } #Show lazy ones Get-ADUser -filter * -Properties PasswordNeverExpires,name | ? { $_.PasswordNeverExpires -eq $True } | sort name | % { $ } #Export to csv all users With PasswordNeverExpires Get-ADUser -filter * -Properties Password...