Self Sign Cert
Self Sign Certificate on your private network like a NAS to encrypt administration logon ===================== Error message: NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID #1 Download and install OpenSSL on your root drive, like c:\OpenSSL #2 Create New Self Sign Certificate, using configuration file 'openssl.cnf' below and command line like openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -days 3650 -keyout nas2.key -out nas2.pem -config openssl.cnf Of course, update these lines: [ req_dn ] countryName = MyCountry stateOrProvinceName = MyDistrict organizationName = MyFirm commonName = MyDings [alt_names] DNS.1 = MyDings1 DNS.2 = MyDings2 DNS.3 = MyDings3 etc #3 After Creating cert and key, import them to your certmgr #4 Then import them to you NAS #5 Still not working in browser. open an inPrivate/Inconito Window and go to your URL. Now it should work. Go back to your normal browse...